Sunday, April 10, 2011

What the freaking hell.

Do you know any other Becky Heinekes?  Of course not.  It's not like we grow on goddamn trees.

Either this is overpopulation and sheer coincidence at its finest, or I am now famous enough that small New Zealand children are making YouTube videos for me:

Video posted March 20, 2011.

My personal journal entry from March 20, 2011:

SERIOUSLY, what are the chances.


  1. Whoa...MAYBE I'M IN THE SOURCE CODE (!!!).

  2. Sorry, but I'm betting on sheer coincidence. Stranger things have happened. Hope your knee feels better soon!

  3. ^^^ Oh, I know it was coincidence!! I know that my tone doesn't always come off in my writing, but I was joking, especially since I didn't make the knee thing public until long after the fact. Speaking of which, it's pretty much back to normal now. Thank you!! :)

  4. Wow that is weird!!!! Great find, and I'm glad it's feeling better ;)

  5. Thanks. :) And yeah, that was, like, the most random YouTube find ever! It's totally made me wonder if other Becky Heinekes ever Google their name and, if so, what they think about what they find ('cause I'm pretty sure it's mostly Jake Gyllenhaal at this point!). :
